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Τρίτη 21 Απριλίου 2020

1st Balkan Clubs Blitz Team Battle Arena Chess Tournament on 26-4-2020

The Club Volos Chess Academy is organizing the 1st Balkan Clubs Blitz Team Battle Arena on our favorite server lichess.org.

Here are the details:
Date and Time: Sunday 26/04 – 8p.m. Athens Time
Thinking Time and Duration:  3′ + 2″ , the Tournament will hold for 150 minutes
Number of Leaders: The number is defined to 5 but if a lot of players will join it may be increased to 8 or 10.
Arena rules: If you are new on lichess Arena format you can read the rules here
Participation: In order to participate your club needs to have a team on lichess.org and your members should be part of it. Then, contact voloschessacademy via lichess and text us your team’s name and it’s link.
All the winners will be announced here and on our facebook page
The Link of the Tournament: https://lichess.org/tournament/DKEKlz8P
Teams participating till now:
Volos Chess Academy (Greece)
Šahovski savez grada Kragujevca (Serbia)
Banovci Dunav (Serbia)
Chess Club SRIMIUM Sremska Mitrovica (Serbia)
Juzna Pruga (Serbia)
Struga Chess Team (North Macedonia)
Southroad (Serbia)
Chess Club Novi Zagreb (Croatia)

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1ο Βαλκανικό Online Διασυλλογικό Πρωτάθλημα από τον Στέλιο Λαγάρα (26-4-2020)