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Παρασκευή 13 Ιουλίου 2018

FIDE World Cadet Chess Championships (U08, U10, U12 boys/open & girls)

November 3rd - November 16th, 2018

Regulations / Invitation
1. Invitation.
International Chess Federation (FIDE), Spanish Chess Federation (FEDA), Galician Chess Federation (FEGAXA) and the World Cadet Chess Championships 2018 Organizing Committee, have the honor to invite all the FIDE member Chess Federations to participate in the FIDE World Cadets Chess Championships 2018 (under 8, under 10 and under 12 years old – open and girls), which will take place in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, between November the 3rd, 2018 (arrival) and November 16th, 2018 (departure).

2. Participation.
2.1. Invited persons – Each federation can register one (1) invited player in each of the categories (under 8, 10 and 12, boys and girls). The total of six (6) invited players and one accompanying official (captain / trainer with a valid FIDE Trainer license) belonging to the national federation are invited by the organizers. A player must not have reached his/her 8th, 10th, 12th birthday, respectively, before January 1st of the year 2018.
2.2. Personal right players – The players placed 1-3 in the previous World Cadet Championships and respective Champions of the 2017 Continental Youth Championships of these categories, shall have the personal right to participate in the World Cadet Championship of the corresponding age-category or a higher age-category if the age stipulation mentioned above is met. Such players shall also be classified as invited players and have to be registered by the national federation.
2.3. Additional players and accompanying persons – Other players than invited players, shall be classified as additional players. All persons, besides the players or the accompanying officials, shall be classified as accompanying persons. A federation may register any number of additional players and accompanying persons, but only upon confirmation by the organizing Committee. Each national Federation shall be responsible for the costs of their additional players and accompanying persons.
2.4. A player registered in a lower category of age due to a mistake in specifying his/her birthday will have his/her registration suspended until rectification.
2.5. For security and organizational reasons and in accordance with FIDE tournament regulations all national delegations shall use the official hotels designated by the Organizing Committee and do the reservations through the organizers.
2.6. In order to provide appropriate tournament conditions, the federations must complete carefully the official registration form (can be found on the official website: www.wccc2018.com which has also been sent to national federations with its username and password) and send it back to the Organizing Committee by 3rd September 2018. Any other form will not be accepted.
2.7. Playing venue: The playing venue is the “Sala Museo” of the “Cidade da Cultura de Galicia” in Santiago de Compostela.
3. FIDE entrance fees.
In accordance with FIDE regulations, a FIDE entry fee of 70 € (euros) for each Invited Player and 140 € (euros) for each Additional Player should be paid before the start of the tournament.
The National Federations must send this amount directly to the FIDE bank account or FIDE will charge tha National Federation account card.
4. Registration.
4.1. Each player (invited, qualified or additional) and each accompanying official or accompanying person must pay the amount of one hundred euros (100 €) at the moment of their registration before 3rd September 2018.
This registration fee is compulsory and represents a confirmation of participation; otherwise a registration will be invalid and will not be accepted. This payment includes transportation from and to Santiago de Compostela international airport, transportation between hotels and the playing venue, identification, badges and organization costs.
4.2. The deadline for registration is 3rd September 2018. After this day, a penalty of eighty euros (80 €) for each late registration will be charged to participants till 15th October 2018. After this date, organizers reserve the right to refuse or decline late registrations or charge higher costs for participants.
4.3. All invited players (according to 2.2 and 2.3) and the delegate of each federation should make their inscription by the above deadline (3rd September 2018). After this date, no invited player or delegate will be accepted and their application will be treated as if they were an additional player.
4.4. The registration form must include the Federation, FIDE ID, surname, first name, international rating and FIDE title (if any), and the passport details of every player and every accompanying person. It must also include the name, details and phone number / address / fax / email of the chief of the delegation. An identity photo (2 x 3 cm) must also be sent for each player (invited, qualified or additional) and accompanying person by 3rd September 2018. If the photo is not sent till this deadline, then the photo can also be taken on arrival at the hotel at the cost of ten euros (10 €).
4.5. All the travel expenses must be paid by the participants or their federations. Only member federations of FIDE (not suspended, not in arrears) are entitled to submit registration forms. Individual applications will not be accepted if the national federation does not confirm such registration.
4.6. If a person (player or accompanying person) pays a deposit and does not participate, then the amount is not refundable.
5. Travel.
Travels: The deadline date to send travel details is 3rd September 2018 (otherwise the Organizing Committee will not have time to provide proper transportation). Please, use the forms on the official website (www.wccc2018.com).
The venue and hotels are 16 km from Lavacolla international airport (SCQ) (Santiago de Compostela), 68 km from Alvedro international airport (LCG) (Coruña), 91 km from Peinador international airport (VGO) (Vigo) and 194 km from Sá Carneiro international airport (OPO) (Oporto-Portugal).
The organizer will provide a free transport service for all participants from and to official airport of Lavacolla (SCQ) (Santiago de Compostela) for arrival on the 3rd of November and return on the 16th of November. If any delegation arrives one or two days before the competition or leaves later the same amount of days, the same service will be provided.
The organizer also offers a transport service for the participants from the other airports mentioned, for the following amounts, per person:
• From Alvedro airport (Coruña), 68 km transfer: 20 €.
• From Peinador airport (Vigo), 91 km transfer: 30 €.
• From Sá Carneiro airport (Oporto), 194 km transfer: 50 €.
These services include transfer to and from official hotel on the day of arrival and on the day of departure.
Players who make private transport arrangements and clearly indicate this in the registration form will be fully responsible for any problems they experience during arrival or departure. 
6. Payment.
6.1. Bank transfers – When registering as a player or as an accompanying person, the above mention amount of one hundred euros (100 €), (see 4.1), must be transferred to the following account:
Bank name: SABADELL.
Branch name: Padron
Branch number: 2281
Account number: 0081 2281 92 0001120123
Address: Carretera General, 10. 15900 PADRON
Account Holder: Federación Española de Ajedrez (FEDA).
IBAN: ES46 0081 2281 9200 0112 0123
All bank commissions should be paid by the sender.
7. Accommodation.
7.1. Accommodation will be offered in the official hotels booked by the Organizing Committee in Santiago de Compostela and surroundings. In the hotels there will be free Wireless connection in the lobby to all participants and in most of the rooms.
7.2. The Organizing Committee offers full pension accommodation to the invited players and to one (1) trainer with a valid FIDE License for each federation, from November the 3rd (including dinner) to November the 16th (including breakfast), in double and triple rooms in the official hotels.
7.3. The full accommodation charges must be paid by bank transfer:
- 50% in advance, before the 3rd of September 2018.
- The rest of payment can be paid by arrival to the bank account or to the venue if this possible
with CC or cash.
7.4. If a participating federation does not send a player in any age category, the may not substitute they for another age category.
7.5. Accommodation prices: the deadline for registration is the 3rd of September 2018. We strongly keeping to this deadline or there may be a surcharge of 5%
7.6. All accommodation costs will be paid for thirteen (13) nights as a total package plus registration fee for whoever is arriving on the 3rd of November, and leaving on the 16th of November. If someone, comes later or leaves earlier, they will pay at least this cost as a total cost. If any participants will be arriving earlier or leaving later they will pay the difference of the nights mentioned below.
7.7. Hotel prices:
 In all hotels the accommodation regime is (FP) Full Pension (Breakfast, lunch, dinner).
1.- THREE STARS Hotel *** (400 people).
Triple room: 46 €/ day per person, 598 € total per person (13 nights).
Double room: 55 €/ day per person, 715 € total per person (13 nights).
Single room: 72 €/ day per person, 936 € total per person (13 nights).
2.- THREE STARS Hotels *** PLUS (900 people).
Triple room: 49 €/ day per person, 637 € total per person (13 nights).
Double room: 59 €/ day per person, 767 € total per person (13 nights).
Single room: 80 €/ day per person, 1.040 € total per person (13 nights).
HOTEL SANTIAGO APOSTOL. www.santiagoapostolhotel.com (*)
3.- FOUR STARS Hotels **** (900 people).
Triple room: 59 €/ day per person, 767 € total per person (13 nights).
Double room: 68 €/ day per person, 884 € total per person (13 nights).
Single room: 89 €/ day per person, 1.157 € total per person (13 nights).
HOTEL TRYP SANTIAGO. www.trypsantiago.com (*)
4.- FOUR STARS Hotels **** PLUS (400 people).
Triple room: 64 €/ day per person, 832 € total per person (13 nights).
Double room: 74 €/ day per person, 962 € total per person (13 nights).
Single room: 94 €/ day per person, 1.222 € total per person (13 nights).
HOTEL PUERTA DEL CAMINO. www.puertadelcamino.com (*)
(*) If needed additional hotels will be provided.
Important: Rooms will be booked on the principle of FCFS (First Come First Served). It is understood to have fulfilled the payment of the rooms.
7.8. Each delegation must organize their room bookings in a reasonable proportion of double and triple rooms. For each individual room requested, at least 6 people must be booked in double and triple rooms.
7.9. The assignment of the hotels to each federation will be decided by the organization. Also the final distributions of the rooms, if necessary.
7.10. Once the bank transfer is confirmed, the Organizing Committee will send the confirmation of the hotel booking to the corresponding national federation.
7.11. Player will not be included in the official rankings until all payments have been made to the organizers.
8. Tournament Schedule.
Saturday 03-nov Arrival of Delegations - 21.00 Technical Meeting
Sunday 04-nov 16.15 Opening Ceremony - 16.30 1st Round
Monday 05-nov 16.30 2nd Round
Tuesday 06-nov 16.30 3rd Round
Wednesday 07-nov 16.30 4th Round
Thursday 08-nov 16.30 5th Round
Friday 09-nov 16:30 6th Round
Saturday 10-nov Free Day
Sunday 11-nov 16.30 7th Round
Monday 12-nov 16.30 8th Round
Tuesday 13-nov 16.30 9th Round
Wednesday 14-nov 16.30 10th Round
Thursday 15-nov 14.00 11th Round - 20.30 Closing Ceremony
Friday 16-nov 12.00 Departure of Delegations
9. Technical regulations.
9.1. The tournament will be played using the Swiss system with 11 rounds. The national rankings will not be taken into account for pairings.
9.2. The rate of play will be in accordance with the FIDE rules: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves, followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game, with an addition of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
9.3. Default Time: A player will lose the game if he/she is not present on the board after 30 minutes of the official starting time of the game.
9.4. The Tiebreak criteria is:
1-Results of direct encounters between the tied players (applies only if all tied players have played each other).
2-Buchholz Cut 1. 3-Buchholz. 4-The greater number of games played with black (unplayed games count as played with white). 5-The Greater number of wins.
9.5. Arbiters. Chief Arbiter and FIDE Technical officials will be announced by 03 October 2018.
10. Stands and banners.
Anyone who wishes to rent a promotional stand on location or have banners and other promotional material should contact the organizers for rental conditions. No one will be allowed any promotional space (except FIDE) or to have a stand for merchandise or other services, without approval of the Organizing Committee.
11. Information about visas.
11.1. The federations or players who need assistance with their visas are asked to contact the Organizing Committee before 3rd September 2018.
11.2. The Tournament Director will supply official letters of invitation only after all the payments are made
(registration and accommodation fees for every member of the delegation).
12. Weather conditions.
In November, the weather in Santiago de Compostela is a little cold at the morning and nights, with temperatures around 8º C and 18º C. It is recommended to all participants to have some protective and warm clothing in case of rain, which occurs on these dates and in this area. It gets dark at 7pm local time.
13. Electricity.
The standard voltage in Spain and in Santiago de Compostela is 220 Volts.
Primary Socket Type: Europlug, Schuko.
14. Prizes.
14.1. The best federation, by ranking of medals collected in all categories, will receive a trophy. For first place the number of gold medals will be taken under consideration, if there is a tie, then the number of silver medals will be taken under consideration, if there is still a tie, then the number of bronze medals. If finally this is still equal, then the total point of medalists will be taken for tie-break.
14.2. Top three places in each tournament will be awarded with trophies and medals.
14.3. Medals will be given to the 4th, 5th, 6th places in each tournament.
14.4. Prize Giving Ceremony will be only for the top 6 players of each category, plus the youngest boy and the youngest girl in the tournament.
14.5. All players and arbiters will be given certificates of participation.
14.6. The Closing Ceremony will be placed in the “Palacio de Congresos” of Santiago de Compostela, open to all with accreditation.
15. Appeals procedure.
15.1. Appeals against a decision of the Chief Arbiter must be submitted in writing to the Chairman of the Appeal Committee until one hour after the end of the game. It must be accompanied by an amount of 200 euros, as a deposit. If the appeal is accepted, the deposit will be immediately returned. If the appeal is rejected, the deposit will be transferred to FIDE. The appeal must be submitted by the delegate of the national federation, on behalf of the player. The decisions of the Appeals Committee are definitive.
15.2. The official regulations for this Championship, in case of discrepancies, are those published in the English language.
16. Parallel Activities.
16.1. FIDE Seminars.
16.2. Tours on the free day.
17. Contact information.
17.1. General information:
WEB: www.wccc2018.com - e-mail: info@wccc2018.com - Telephone/Fax: +34 986 23 79 45
17.2. Championship Management:
e-mail: wcc@wccc2018.com - Telephone/Fax: +34 986 23 79 45

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