Τετάρτη 14 Απριλίου 2021

International Open Chess Tournament Sud-Est Milano (21-23/5/2021, Robbiano di Mediglia, Italy)

Region: Lombardia
Place: Robbiano di Mediglia
Province: MI
Admitted players
¨ Italian citizens and foreigners residing in Italy must result with FSI 2021 card (Agonistic or Juniores)
¨ Foreign Citizens NOT resident in Italy must have the FIDE ID (FIDE Identity Number)
(who don’t have can apply to his Federation before the regiatration)
Rate of Play : 90’ + 30’’ bonus
Delay Time : 60 min
Number of game : 5
Paring Sys : Swiss FIDE Dutch (JaVaFo)
Tie Break: Buchholz Cut1, Buchholz totale, ARO
Forfeit draw: not applicable
Accelerated Rounds: if the number of players exceeds 80, the first and second round will with "acceleration"
Friday May 21st
18:00/18:30 Check in
19:00 Round 1
Saturday May 22nd.
09:30 Round 2
15:00 Round 3
Sunday May 23rd
09:30 Round 4
15:00 Round 5
20:00/20:30 prizes’ delivery
1° Absolut = Cup + € 400
2° Absolut = Cup + € 250
3° Absolut = Cup + € 150
Rating Prizes
1° 2000 - 2200 = € 60
1° 1800 - 1999 = € 60
1° 1600 - 1799 = € 60
1° 1400 - 1599 = € 60
1° <1400 = € 60
Premi Speciali / Special Prizes
1° Woman = € 60
1° Seniores O65 = € 60
1° Under 16 = Coppa
Best Variation Elo (*) = € 80
(*) W-We / cumulative
Entry Fee € 50,00=
For Under 16 and Over 65 : € 40,00
Payment at checkin + € 10=
To be paid exclusively by bank transfer or credit card via Sumup link
Bank account details: IBAN IT34L0501801600000012497160
Registration is considered formalized upon receipt of payment
Information : mail - . WhatsApp : 0039 3458596995
¨ During a game, a player is forbidden to have any electronic device not specifically approved by the arbiter in the playing venue. They can be stored in a player’s bag, provided the device is completely switched off. This bag must be placed as agreed with the arbiter. If it is evident that a player has such a device on their person in the playing venue, the player shall lose the game. The opponent shall win. The arbiter may require the player to allow his clothes, bags, other items or body to be inspected, in private. If a player refuses to cooperate with these obligations, the arbiter shall take measures in accordance with Art.12.9. (Laws Art. 11.3)
¨ Fair Play : random player control with handle metal detector.
¨ Only players whose game is still in progress are allowed into the playing area.
¨ Technical decisions of the Cheef Arbiter are final.
¨ Smoking is prohibited in the tournament area (including e-cigarettes)
¨ Participation in the event implies the consent of each player to the publication of images, personal data and the results achieved (for minors, consent is given by the Parents)
¨ The organization, in compliance with the FSI and FIDE regulations in force at the time of the event, reserves the right to make any changes that may be necessary for the success of the event or for reasons of major force.
Health protocol
¨ The ADDRESS PROTOCOL FOR THE CONTRAST AND CONTAINMENT OF CONTAGION RISKS OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS IN THE PRACTICE OF SPORT OF CHESS issued by FSI will be applied, as well as the measures indicated in the DPCM in force at the date of the event.
¨ In the Playing Vanue it will be mandatory to wear respiratory protective masks.
Athletes with flu-like symptoms and/or his/her temperature is Equal or greater than 37.5

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Ασκήσεις Τακτικής

1ο Βαλκανικό Online Διασυλλογικό Πρωτάθλημα από τον Στέλιο Λαγάρα (26-4-2020)